After all other dental treatments have been explored, tooth extraction is typically required as a final resort. This might be because of a tooth that your dentist cannot restore with fillings, root canals, or crowns, or because of supporting tissues that have chronic, incurable gum disease.
When your dental team cannot restore a natural tooth, tooth extraction may be the best choice in terms of dental care. Following a thorough consultation, our experienced dental professionals will walk you through each step. As part of your consultation, we will discuss any potential risks – no matter how small – and discuss your aftercare plan.
We understand that the thought of a tooth extraction can be cause for anxiety. We will work with you to ensure your comfort at all times through a high standard of care from our professional team. All dental procedures are carried out under local anaesthetic, and your comfort levels are checked throughout, allowing you control over your treatment.
Why choose Anele de Novo for Tooth Extraction?
Contrary to common opinion, most wisdom teeth extractions are the same as any other tooth extraction. During your consultation, your experienced dentist will take a radiograph (x-ray) to assess the location and integrity of the roots, as with all extractions. To maximise your comfort, a local anaesthetic is always administered.
Most wisdom teeth can be extracted in the comfort of our dental practice. Wisdom tooth roots can occasionally be found near-critical nerves or sinuses. We would gladly recommend you to an experienced dental colleague for oral surgery if this is the case.
To find out more or to book an appointment, give us a call, send an email or fill in the enquiry form above.